Our History

Since its inception in 1996, Sonogramme has centered its activities around the unique profile of its founder, Sebastien Noly. Noly’s background, which includes both conservatory training in music and a scientific and technical university education, is not viewed as paradoxical but rather as an introduction to an evident complementarity. It is a certainty that this dual background can only lead to sound-related professions. Rather than choosing between music, acoustics, and sound engineering, Sonogramme seeks to maximize the potential of these multiple approaches and identify resonances between different perspectives.

Sébastien Noly is joined by a team of experts who are recognized in their various fields, including physical measurements, acoustics, modeling, medicine, and management. Many of them also have “double hats” and bring a unique perspective to Sonogramme’s transversal activities. Sonogramme’s focus is to consider the delicate interaction between technique and music by continually striving to strike a balance between artistic requirements and scientific data. The company has concentrated its expertise on two key fields: acoustic engineering and sound realization.

Over the past two decades, Sonogramme has provided a range of services, from musical production to the creation of microphones, to improving the acoustics of rooms and studios, to preventing auditory risks for musicians, and to the broadcasting of music. All of these human and technical adventures are guided by a single question: where can we be most useful?

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